Wednesday05 February 2025

How to choose a diesel generator: types and their purposes.

Extended engine lifespan – diesel generators typically offer between 10,000 to 40,000 operating hours.
Как выбрать дизельный генератор: виды и их назначение.

A modern diesel power station is a unit that can be either stationary or mobile and is capable of generating electricity. It consists of an alternating current generator and a diesel internal combustion engine, both mounted on a steel frame, complemented by a control and monitoring system. “Detector Media” explains how to choose a diesel generator based on your needs.

Advantages of Diesel Generators

  1. Increased engine lifespan – diesel generators typically provide between 10,000 to 40,000 operating hours.

  2. Economical fuel consumption – the engines of these units consume 20% less fuel compared to gasoline models while achieving 40% higher efficiency.

  3. Safety of use – the fuel does not emit flammable vapors, and the diesel generator itself cannot ignite from contact with hot components.

Diesel generators also exhibit significant thermal stability. Because they use a smaller amount of fuel, the heating is considerably lower compared to gasoline models.

How to Choose a Diesel Generator

Diesel generators can be categorized based on their power, purpose, and design. Small diesel generators with a power range of 3 to 10 kW are commonly used on construction sites, by utility services, and for household purposes. These generators are equipped with an air cooling system and can operate continuously for 6-8 hours.

More powerful generators range from 10 to 3000 kW and are designed for prolonged operation without interruption.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Generator

  1. Installation location: If the generator is to be installed outdoors, it must be protected with a casing and a proper installation site must be prepared. During the cold season, heating for the fuel and other components should be ensured. For generators installed indoors, adequate ventilation is necessary.

  2. Phasing: Diesel generators can be single-phase or three-phase. In the first case, their power ranges from 5 to 16 kW. More powerful models require connection to a 380 V network. In the latter case, they must ensure uniform load distribution across all three phases of the generator.

  3. Automatic start: Modern generators can be equipped with automatic start systems. This feature allows the device to start when there is a power outage in the network. After starting, the automation performs idle warm-up and switches the load from the main network to the generator. The most advanced automatic systems offer remote control and monitoring via the internet. Users can send commands from anywhere using their mobile phones and access statistics and technical parameters.

  4. Fuel tank: Some models can be supplemented with an additional fuel tank, with a capacity ranging from 50 to 1000 liters. This significantly extends the device's operating time on a single refueling.

Calculating Diesel Generator Power

To accurately determine the required model of the device, it is essential to calculate the necessary power parameters in advance. A list of electrical appliances and equipment to be connected should be compiled, specifying their power ratings. It is also crucial to consider the starting current coefficient – information about this can be found in the equipment's manual.

The most "demanding" appliances typically include refrigerators, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and submersible pumps. All other equipment, including light bulbs, operates at standard voltage. The obtained figures should be summed up, and an additional 25-30% should be added to the total. This ensures the installation operates normally without overloads.

It is advisable to avoid excessive power reserve for the diesel generator. Firstly, the user will be overpaying for potential that will not be utilized. Secondly, fuel consumption will significantly increase. And thirdly, such loads can damage the engine's piston group.