Thursday13 March 2025

In Ukraine, responsibility for improper maintenance of shelters has been tightened: a new law has been signed.

Administrative and criminal liability is being implemented.
В Украине ужесточили ответственность за ненадлежащее содержание укрытий: закон подписан.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed Law No. 4200-IX concerning the responsibility for violations of the requirements for the maintenance and operation of civil protection shelter facilities.

This is mentioned on the Verkhovna Rada's website.

According to the press service of the Council, the law introduces administrative and criminal liability for violations of the maintenance and operation requirements of shelter facilities and strengthens the penalties for breaches of fire and industrial safety regulations.

Among other provisions, administrative liability is established for failing to ensure unobstructed access for citizens to civil protection shelter facilities, as well as for violations of legislative requirements regarding the maintenance and operation of these facilities that lead to their unpreparedness for intended use.

Offenders face fines ranging from 6,800 UAH to 13,600 UAH, and for repeated violations within a year, the fines increase to 8,500 to 17,000 UAH.

The law also clarifies the circumstances under which a protocol for administrative offenses is not drawn up, with such cases falling under the jurisdiction of the central executive authority responsible for implementing state policy in the field of civil protection.

Furthermore, criminal liability is introduced for violations of established legislative requirements regarding the maintenance and operation of civil protection shelter facilities or for failing to ensure uninterrupted round-the-clock access for the population to these facilities in the event of an air raid alert, which results in medium or severe bodily harm or death.

In particular, the new Article 175-3 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses imposes fines ranging from 3,400 UAH to 8,500 UAH for violations related to the maintenance and operation of shelters. A repeated violation within a year will result in fines from 8,500 UAH to 17,000 UAH.

Background. Previously, Mind reported that officials of the Kyiv City State Administration are suspected of embezzling 2.2 million UAH during the renovation of a lyceum and school shelters. Among those implicated are a deputy director and the head of a department within the Kyiv City State Administration.