He shared this information on his blog.

On this occasion, the expert recalls the time when the Poles blocked the border due to Ukrainian grain, highlighting that there was a real conflict of interest because we are competing with Poland in this sector; we are vying for the European market, for European funds and subsidies. Back then, he notes, everything was clear, which is why our political leaders sat down and reached an agreement.

“So why can’t we come to an agreement with the Slovaks? Because there is no real contradiction. They need gas – here it is. Clearly, these are political objectives that have no real connection to the disputes of the parties involved,” emphasizes Mikhail Sheitelman.

In his view, Fico is simply working for the Kremlin, which is why he is pushing the narrative of halting the transit of Russian gas. The expert also points out that Transnistria has blamed Ukraine for all its troubles, building a memorial for those who died as a result of the energy crisis caused by the Ukrainian blockade.

“This is how it is. So, it turns out that Ukraine has imposed an energy blockade on Transnistria. We are indeed a superpower, look! We have already left Europe without gas (editor's note – according to Fico). Surkov said that Russia is an energy superpower. So, it is Ukraine that is the energy superpower. Russia couldn't freeze Europe as it threatened, claiming everyone would die from the cold. But we, with our Ukrainian blockade, managed to create an energy crisis in Transnistria,” comments Mikhail Sheitelman.

As reported by Zna.ua, Musiienko stated that it is just a matter of time before oil prices start to fall in the strategic perspective.

Zna.ua also wrote about Sheitelman discussing whether Trump will attempt to kill Putin.