Friday14 February 2025

In the Bozhkovskaya colony in Poltava region, inmates were tortured and killed, according to the State Bureau of Investigation (DBR).

Five employees of the institution have been notified of suspicion.
В колонии Божка на Полтавщине заключенных пытали и убивали, сообщает ДБР.

In the Bozhkov Correctional Colony (No. 16) in the Poltava region, an organized group was operating that tortured and killed inmates. The extensive scheme was uncovered by the employees of the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) in the spring of 2024.

This was reported by the Bureau's press service.

Law enforcement officials determined that nearly all first-time arrivals became victims of the criminals. There is documented evidence of one inmate's death due to inflicted bodily injuries.

New arrivals were threatened and beaten until their will was broken, forcing them to comply unconditionally with any directives from the facility's administration.

From the moment of arrival at the colony, each convict underwent a harsh intake procedure, during which new inmates were made to clean the floors while the process was recorded on video. If they refused, they were subjected to torture: beaten with hands, feet, rubber bats, and sticks on various parts of the body, and their arms were twisted, among other forms of abuse. It has been documented that one inmate received over 200 blows.

Five officials from the facility have been notified of suspicion for committing crimes as part of a group and for torture. The leader of the organized group is also suspected of intentionally causing serious bodily harm. The penalty for this offense can result in imprisonment for up to 10 years.