Friday14 March 2025

Care mistakes for a peace lily: avoid placing the pot in direct sunlight or near drafts to ensure healthy growth.

The proper placement of a plant is crucial for its health and growth. The Peace Lily is sensitive to its environmental conditions, and certain locations in your home may adversely affect its well-being.
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Peace Lily, or "Spathiphyllum," is one of the most popular houseplants, known for its elegant white flowers and glossy leaves, capable of enhancing any home. However, despite its beauty, this plant can be quite demanding in terms of care. If the location for the Peace Lily is not chosen correctly, it can lead to various issues such as yellowing leaves, lack of flowers, or even the plant's demise. Oboz.UA explains where it’s best not to place the Peace Lily to keep it healthy and attractive.

The correct placement of the plant is crucial for its health and growth. The Peace Lily is sensitive to environmental conditions, and certain areas in the home can negatively affect its well-being.

Direct Sunlight

The Peace Lily does not thrive in direct sunlight, which can scorch its delicate leaves and lead to yellowing. This can also adversely affect the plant's flowering ability. An ideal location for the flower is one with filtered light or partial shade, where it receives enough light without being exposed to direct sunlight.

Drafts and Cold

Especially in winter, the Peace Lily is very sensitive to low temperatures and drafts. If the plant is placed near an open window or door where cold air can enter, it may experience stress. Temperatures below 13°C can cause its demise or serious rot. Therefore, it is best to avoid areas with frequent temperature fluctuations.

Near Heaters or Fireplaces

The Peace Lily cannot tolerate excessive heat, so it should not be placed near heaters, radiators, or fireplaces. The dry and hot air created near these heat sources can severely dry out the soil and reduce humidity levels in the air, leading to yellowing leaves and slowed plant growth. For optimal conditions, it is better to choose a location where the temperature is stable and not subject to sharp fluctuations.

In Dry Rooms

The Peace Lily enjoys moisture, so dry rooms during the winter or those that are frequently heated are unsuitable for this plant. An ideal environment for the Peace Lily is a room with natural humidity, such as a bathroom or kitchen. If the room lacks sufficient humidity, using humidifiers or misting the plant with water can be beneficial.