Monday10 February 2025

Preparing soil for the new season after winter frost: tips for restoring its fertility.

The soil needs restoration, as winter frosts can compact it and disrupt its structure. Here are several key reasons why preparation is essential:
Подготовка почвы к новому сезону после зимних морозов: как восстановить плодородие.

After winter, the soil requires special attention to restore its fertility and ensure a high yield in the new season. Proper soil preparation is key to healthy plants, as it creates the necessary conditions for their growth and development. By following a few important preparation steps, you will establish optimal conditions for planting and achieve excellent results in your garden. For more details, read NV.

Why Soil Preparation is Important

The soil needs restoration, as winter frosts can compact it and disrupt its structure. Here are a few key reasons why preparation is essential:

  • restoration of soil structure;
  • enrichment of soil with nutrients;
  • elimination of pests and disease-causing agents;
  • creation of favorable conditions for seed germination.

Soil Preparation Stages

  1. Site Cleaning: Before starting work, it is crucial to remove all plant residues, weeds, and stones. This will not only create a clean working surface but also prevent the development of diseases and the spread of pests.

  2. Tilling the Soil: Loosen the soil to a depth of 20-25 cm. This will improve the structure and help eliminate the roots of perennial weeds that may hinder crop growth.

  3. Fertilizer Application: After tilling, apply organic fertilizers such as compost or manure, as well as mineral fertilizers depending on the needs of the crops you plan to grow.

  4. Leveling: After applying fertilizers, it is important to thoroughly level the soil surface using a rake. This will ensure an even distribution of fertilizers and prepare the soil for seed sowing.

  5. Mulching: Covering the soil with organic mulch, such as straw or mown grass, helps retain moisture in the soil, prevents weed growth, and improves its structure.

Many experts recommend using more organic fertilizers—compost and manure—as they help improve soil structure, provide nutrients, and stimulate the activity of beneficial microorganisms.

Planting cover crops like rapeseed, lupine, or mustard can significantly enrich the soil with nitrogen, enhance its structure, and help combat weeds.

The no-till technology involves abandoning soil tillage and replacing it with mulching. This helps retain moisture, improve soil structure, and reduce the risk of erosion.