Thursday13 February 2025

Corruption scandal in Poltava: Officials inflated the price of drones by 5 million UAH and embezzled the funds for personal gain.

The director of the city council department, along with a subordinate, orchestrated the procurement of drones at inflated prices.
Коррупционный скандал в Полтаве: чиновники завысили цену дронов на 5 млн грн и присвоили их себе.

Detectives from the Bureau of Economic Security (BEB) in the Poltava region uncovered two officials from the Poltava City Council involved in the embezzlement of budget funds.

According to reports from the BEB press service, at the end of December 2023, the Director of the Department for Civil Protection and Defense Affairs, along with a subordinate, purchased drones for military units totaling nearly 39 million UAH.

However, during the investigation, it was revealed that the prices for the drones had been artificially inflated by 5 million UAH. An analysis of the drone market and tender documentation confirmed significant violations, after which three city council officials and the head of the supplying company were notified of suspicion.

Background. It is worth noting that recently employees of the State Bureau of Investigations (DBR) reported suspicions against the executive director of the state enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" and two department directors who purchased mobile phones at inflated prices. The losses in this case amounted to 3 million UAH.