She shared this information on the "People's Audit" channel.

According to the expert, previously citizens were able to receive packages from abroad without any taxes, but now, as Hetmantsev states, there will be a tax. Earlier, she notes, it was planned that the tax would apply to packages valued at 150 euros, but this threshold has now been lowered to 45 euros.

“They determine that for goods sent to individuals and valued under 45 euros, no commercial duties or taxes are due. However, if the value is 44.99 or 45 euros, then you will have to pay VAT. If the package costs more than 150 euros, you will also have to pay customs duties,” explains Yulia Glushko.

Thus, she concludes, the takeaway is clear: officials have decided to reach into the pockets of those who were purchasing goods from marketplaces and were managing to sustain themselves to some extent. Of course, the economist notes, many have already read this news, factored in the costs, and raised the prices of the goods they sell at retail, but there is another important nuance.

“We have a Unified State Register of Tax Invoices for VAT, and this Unified State Register is also processed at customs. If you purchase a certain product, it has a code because the duty depends on this code, and the codes are regulated by a single directory called UKTVED. Thus, our esteemed legislators will monitor everything that is brought into Ukraine and will oversee pricing. As for what further actions will be taken, we cannot say,” explains Yulia Glushko.

As reported by, Starikov discussed which cities on the front line are currently under threat.

Additionally, wrote about Bortnik's comments regarding the presence of the Russian opposition at Trump's inauguration: “This is an attempt to play a game with Putin”.