Thursday13 February 2025

The State Environmental Inspection has processed thousands of requests through "EcoThreat": what are the outcomes?

This information is provided by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine.
Госэкоинспекция рассмотрела тысячи заявок через "Экоугрозу": какие итоги?

The Ministry of Environmental Protection has announced that the State Ecological Inspection of Ukraine has processed over three thousand complaints submitted by Ukrainians through EcoThreat. Out of the 3040 complaints sent by citizens using EcoThreat, territorial bodies of the State Ecological Inspection have already addressed them.

Of these complaints:

In 1918 cases, inspectors conducted on-site inspections and compiled reports. Additionally, orders for inspections have been issued for 169 complaints, which are currently in the preparation stage.

In 494 instances, facts of environmental harm have been confirmed, while 966 cases did not receive confirmation.

The total amount of damage to the environment, calculated by the State Ecological Inspection, has exceeded 28 billion UAH.

Criminal proceedings have already been initiated in 60 cases.

Measures to mitigate the consequences of the harm caused have been taken in 107 instances.

Inspectors note that EcoThreat has expedited the documentation process for inspections and facilitates the prompt entry of data into the system. On-site, inspectors carry out photo or video documentation of identified violations and create an inspection report, which is immediately uploaded to EcoThreat.

This demonstrates the effectiveness of using modern technologies in combating environmental violations and enhances transparency and responsiveness to citizens' complaints.