Thursday13 February 2025

The State Ecological Inspection uncovered illegal logging, thanks to public reports submitted through the "EcoThreat" platform.

This information comes from the State Environmental Inspectorate of the Polesye region.
Госэкоинспекция выявила нелегальную вырубку леса благодаря обращениям граждан через платформу "ЭкоУгроза".

Upon a report to the "EcoThreat" web resource, eco-inspectors discovered illegal logging in the Vysokiv community in the Zhytomyr region, amounting to over 1.8 million UAH.

State inspectors for environmental protection in the Polissya region reviewed a report submitted to the "EcoThreat" web resource regarding the illegal cutting of trees near the village of Vysoke in the Vysokiv community (Zhytomyr district) on a plot of land owned by the municipality.

During the on-site inspection of the land, which, according to the public cadastral map of Ukraine, is in the communal property of the Vysokiv territorial community and designated for agricultural use, 145 living trees of alder and aspen were found to have been cut down.

“The eco-inspectors of the Polissya region immediately informed law enforcement agencies about the discovered fact. An investigative team from the Zhytomyr Police Department was dispatched to the scene to document all circumstances of the incident and conduct further investigation. The total amount of damage caused to the environment as a result of the tree cutting is 1,843,637.77 UAH,” notes the head of the Polissya region's Environmental Inspectorate, Yevhen Medvedovskyi.

In light of the above and due to the presence of signs of a criminal offense in the actions of those who committed the violations, materials have been forwarded to identify the guilty parties and take appropriate measures within the jurisdiction of the Investigative Department of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Zhytomyr region.