She shared this information on the "" channel.

“March is coming soon, and the wait won't be long, and retirees are anxious because it is unclear what will happen with the indexing. Sometimes they say one thing, and sometimes another. The main question is, what is the basis for the indexing formula? It relies on two indicators: the average salary over the last three years (which implies growth in the average salary over those years) and the inflation rate from the previous year,” explains Ekaterina Kotenko.

As the journalist clarifies, you need to sum the average salary growth over three years and the inflation rate, then divide by 2. Our average salary increased by 8%, and inflation was 12%, so when divided, it results in 10%, which means the indexing is 10%.

“The key question is, who actually receives the increase? Unfortunately, not all retirees benefit from it. The increase is granted to those whose pension is either fully calculated from the contributory part, so to speak, the formula pension, or those with very minimal additional payments,” notes Ekaterina Kotenko.

She also reminds us of Article 28 of the law “On State Pension Insurance,” which states that if you reach 65 years of age and have 35 years of service for men and 30 years for women, the government cannot provide you with a monthly pension less than 3200 UAH. Therefore, the journalist asserts that even if your formal amount is lower, the government must cover the difference, ensuring you receive at least 3200 UAH.

As reported by, Karas spoke about whether Ukrainians should expect a real ceasefire in the war with the Russian Federation. also wrote about Musiienko's comments on how Trump will react to the strategic partnership agreement between Iran and Russia.