The Head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Taxation, and Customs Policy, Danilo Hetmantsev, announced that he has submitted draft laws for registration aimed at establishing efficiency coefficients for customs and tax authorities.
He wrote about this in his Telegram channel.
The draft laws propose to implement an assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of tax and customs authorities to enhance their transparency and accountability, optimize decision-making processes, and address shortcomings in their operations.
It is noted that this assessment will be based on KPIs, which will be defined by the Ministry of Finance and published on the official websites of the State Tax Service and the State Customs Service.
"Based on the evaluation results, the State Tax Service and the State Customs Service will prepare reports, which will be made public on the websites of these agencies," the head of the VR Committee added.
According to him, the draft law on establishing KPIs for taxation proposes:
1) defining the concept of "tax gap" and introducing annual calculations and publication of this indicator;
2) defining the concept of "key performance indicator for tax authorities" (KPI) and establishing requirements for KPIs;
3) introducing the IMF-recommended classification of KPIs for the State Tax Service into strategic (with a term of more than one year) and operational (annual);
4) establishing a link between the individual assessment of the official's performance and the evaluation of the State Tax Service's activities;
5) regulating the procedure for quarterly publication of information on KPI performance for the State Tax Service;
6) the first reporting period for assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of tax authorities should be the year 2025, and to take into account the best international practices (TADAT) and recommendations from international organizations (IMF, OECD), the draft law proposes a list of recommended KPIs for the State Tax Service.
At the same time, the draft on establishing KPIs for customs proposes:
1) defining types of assessments – internal (conducted by the State Customs Service based on KPIs developed by the Ministry of Finance) and external (conducted by independent experts appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers based on proposals from international and foreign organizations);
2) determining that the internal assessment will cover the following areas of customs activity: creating favorable conditions for trade facilitation and competition development; administering customs payments; protecting society, public health, and environmental safety, as well as combating the illegal movement of narcotic drugs and weapons; organizational development of customs authorities;
3) the Ministry of Finance is recommended to consider the performance measurement mechanism for customs administrations (WCO Performance Measurement Mechanism), developed by the World Customs Organization, when defining KPIs for customs.
Background. Previously, Mind reported that Zelensky signed a law on customs reform. Draft law No. 6490-d changes the procedure for the competitive selection of the head of the State Customs Service, taking practices from NABU and other anti-corruption agencies as a basis.