There is probably no pet store that doesn't sell a laser pointer for playing with cats. It truly creates an engaging game – for humans. However, this type of entertainment can be quite harmful to your cat, as noted on the Supervet website.
This type of play poses a risk to your cat's mental health, according to animal behavior specialists.
The issue is that your cat tries desperately to "catch" its prey, as its animal instincts suggest, but it can never succeed because it cannot physically touch it. This can be quite maddening, right? The animal may experience obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior.
Playing with a laser pointer can lead to frustration in the animal, which may manifest as:
Additionally, under certain conditions, the light from the pointer can also damage the cat's retina. Such photic injury can lead to vision impairment or even blindness.
Remember, in any games with your pet, the outcome is what matters most to them. The cat should "catch" a real toy or receive a reward for its efforts, such as its favorite treats.