Thursday13 March 2025

Due to the increase in respiratory illness cases, schools in Netishyn have implemented a quarantine.

Remote learning will continue until the end of next week.
Из-за роста заболеваемости ОРВИ в школах Нетишина введён карантин.

A quarantine has been implemented in the gymnasium, two lyceums, and all extracurricular education institutions in Netishyn. This measure is related to the increase in the incidence of ARVI and influenza among children, reported the Executive Committee of the Netishyn City Council on January 24.

Specifically, the "Harmony" gymnasium has switched to remote learning starting January 24, while the lyceums "Energy," "Erudite," and all extracurricular education institutions will operate online next week – from January 27 to January 31. Additionally, cultural and mass events will be restricted in Netishyn.

The Deputy Mayor for the activities of the executive bodies of the council, Vasyl Mysko, told ZAXID.NET that there is currently an increase in ARVI and influenza cases in the city's schools. For instance, around 300 students at the "Harmony" gymnasium show signs of viral infection, prompting the education department to initiate a meeting regarding the future organization of learning.

“Educational institutions have been advised to transition to a remote format; however, the leaders have the right to make independent decisions. According to doctors, children aged 5 to 17 are at risk. Currently, the situation in the city is not critical, but we are striving to act proactively,” noted Vasyl Mysko.

It is worth mentioning that acute respiratory infections (ARVI) encompass a large group of infections caused by bacteria or viruses. Typically, these illnesses are transmitted via airborne droplets and exhibit distinct symptoms. If not diagnosed in a timely manner and without appropriate treatment, they may lead to various complications that pose a threat to overall health, organ systems, and even life.

Symptoms of ARVI:

  • elevated body temperature, runny nose, and cough;
  • fever lasting up to six days, sometimes occurring in two waves;
  • catarrhal inflammation of mucous membranes;
  • symptoms of intoxication;
  • enlargement of lymph nodes, which may be painful even upon slight pressure.

Treatment is usually conducted on an outpatient basis. In severe cases or when complications arise, hospitalization may be necessary.


This material does not contain medical advice or treatment recommendations and fully aligns with current scientific research. If you have health concerns, please consult a doctor.