The President's office has launched a dirty campaign against political opponents, involving law enforcement and black PR. Such methods are reminiscent of the Yanukovych era and only hasten the end of the current government’s political life. This was stated by the first deputy chairman of the UDA party, Arthur Palatny, who reported on the commissioned information against him.

“The President’s Office has initiated an unprecedented dirty campaign in the media against political opponents, utilizing law enforcement. The powerful activation of the Office, with significant involvement of law enforcement and black PR, resembles agony. It seems that the new U.S. president hinted to certain figures in our government that their political life is nearing its end. I am convinced that the attempts to eliminate competitors only bring the office residents closer to their own verdict,” said Arthur Palatny.

He compared the methods employed by the authorities to those during Yanukovych's time.

“The dirt in the media against opponents (against me personally and our entire team), lies, informational ‘leaks’ and disinformation, the rolling back of democracy, the destruction of local self-governance, and the final slide into dictatorship indicate one thing: there are almost no differences left between Yanukovych's regime and today’s,” emphasized Palatny.

The first deputy chairman of UDA believes that the main issue with the current ruling elite is that they have confused the trust credit given to them by the people at the beginning of the large war with impunity. They interpreted the inappropriate absence of elections during wartime as permission to usurp power, and mistook the restriction of freedoms for the safety of a warring country as dictatorship.

“Tomorrow is Ukraine’s Day of Unity. We expect grandiloquent words about unity. From them, these words are insincere. How can one speak of unity when more energy is devoted to political competitors than to the enemy in the Kremlin? Have they already forgotten that we are at war? Has the time not ‘passed’ yet? I am sure that more than 73% of Ukrainians are already aware of this. That is why I do not urge the government to come to its senses, to stop, to rethink. Let the whole country and the entire world see its actions. And we will help with that,” emphasized Arthur Palatny.